When the student is ready- the master appears
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I'm the creator of *Colour Alchemy* A powerfully transformative method which has been designed to reignite your energetic potential and amplify your creative ability. Colour Alchemy will:
Reconnect you with your inner star- guide.
Encourage you to create, play and have fun.
Guide you to communicate more powerfully.
Align you to magical heart centred healing.
I introduce simple tools you can use in daily life to enhance your understanding of how to work with the flow of energy in the world around you. Find out today how this revolutionary system can help you too!
My services include :
A beautful guided visualisation book.
Weekly ' Art of Healing' sessions.
'Being Well & Truly you!' workshops
Bespoke 1x1 energy healing coaching.
Hi, I'm Ether Real. It's great to meet you. They say that not all stars belong in the sky. It's true! Whether you know it yet or not, you are one of them! We all are.
All My Stories
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