Updated: Dec 4, 2023
I filmed this whilst sitting in a car park with the rain driving down so hard around us that we couldn’t ‘go’ anywhere.
I had a moment of thinking “how annoying to be paying for parking when we can’t go anywhere” swiftly followed by the reminder that ‘here’ was exactly where I was supposed to be, the only place I could be, the only place we ever truly are in fact!!!
Right here, right now, in this moment, living in the now. So then, I melted into that moment and looked for what it was there to show me.
The water on the screen against the backdrop of the leaves with only the sound of the rain and John’s music was so magical and just mesmerising.
I hope I’ve managed to share a little of it here. Essentially this is what we are here to do- connect more fully with the moment of your life.
Come along to a session or group to find out more about how I can help you to find the magic in every day! ⭐️