I am the Author
The meditation which I led prior to our ‘Art of Healing’ session last week focussed on being the author ( and so the authority) within our own lives. There were some gorgeous mandalas produced afterwards. We focussed on creating visual symbols for those people and things which we are grateful for and incorporated these into our designs.
I am loving how openly those who are joining me in this process are embracing each theme. Every participant has turned their hand to crafting, simple jewellery making, intuitive drawing and design with equal enthusiasm and huge creativity. I will continue to showcase your work and radiate my own joy and gratitude for our collective processes. It is a pleasure and a privilege to be leading this work. I’ve included some images for you to see for yourself.
The theme of author is especially poignant in this post, as I am delighted to announce that my first book ‘Colour Alchemy, The Art of Healing’ is now available to buy! This is the culmination of my own recent journey of work - in committing my writing, healing work and creations to print.
‘Colour Alchemy- The Art of Healing’ consists of a series of guided colour visualisations for you to explore at home as part of your own creative and spiritual development. It was inspired by my desire to expand the reach of the sessions which I deliver in group format here in Brightlingsea, and incorporates my multimedia artworks as headings for each chapter. The book cover design is also my own creation.
The book can be purchased from Amazon and the artwork will be available to buy in various forms both from our Brightlingsea shop and online. (I’m finalising a set of colour cards to be used alongside the book too.)
I am making short videos of the affirmations available - currently on Facebook and Instagram ( Silver Topaz Therapies and Ether Real ) and my next task is to compile vocal recordings of the full ‘Colour Alchemy’ visualisations which can be received as downloads. I am building my profile on InsightTimer now, so please do follow me and let me know when you like the things I share as the connection and feedback mean a lot.
I’ve produced more fascinating Colour Alchemy reports and personalised mandalas for some lovely people recently so have shared an image of these too. Please consider either treating yourself to one as part of your own self development, or buying as a gift for a loved one. They are a delight to create and a lovely unique and meaningful thing to offer to someone.
In the meantime I hope you will continue to join me in this journey, in person, through the book, the artworks and recordings wherever you can and wish you magic each and every day! 💫
Ether Real